The Home Collection is looking for you!
Are you an aspiring artist? Or has your art already been showcased in some of the best high-end galleries in your neighborhood? If you answer these two questions with a resounding “YES”, then The Home Collection wants you!
We at The Home Collection are looking for incredible artists. As you already know, my love for art isn’t just a hobby, or a business but rather a lifestyle. Art is my passion, as well as all things vintage and mid-century modern. For me, there is nothing more inspiring as artists sharing ideas and working together to get their works out there to the world, for all to enjoy and own.
So, if you are a sculptor, ceramicist, or any other kind of artist, looking for something new and exciting, we would love to have you showcase your works on our site.
Many artists dream of having their art in a gallery, which is wonderful. This is also a huge accomplishment or milestone for many artists out there, but did you know that by showcasing your art on an internet platform, you will be able to have people from all over the world admire your work; and buy your art.
Many galleries also charge steep commissions, some being 50% of the sales price. This means that you could be losing out on a lot of money. We all know how hard you work as an artist. Art is not just a job, but a passion. Your art is a gift to the world, and people should be able to know who you are and enjoy what you have created. Clients can do this by purchasing your creative pieces and showing them off in their homes.
For me when it comes to art, I always wonder what went on in the artist’s mind when they created a certain piece. How did it feel when they molded the clay in their hands into something beautiful and functional? This is one of the wonders of art. Art moves you to feel certain emotions. It creates a sense of wonder and awe. This is what I would like my clients to enjoy by being able to view and buy certain pieces at The Home Collection.
If you would like to share your works and your ideas with the rest of the world, then contact us! We would love to collaborate with you. We are especially looking at artists who create with reclaimed wood and clay, or potters who create exquisite pieces.
Would you like to know how some sculptors and ceramicists started out? This might also move you to inspiration and action. Especially if you are new to getting your art out into the world.
1.Bernard Leach
Bernard Leach was a famous potter and ceramicist. He was born on the 5th of January 1887 and passed away on the 6th of May 1979. Leach was born in Hong Kong and attended the Slade School of Fine Art in London, where he initially studies etching. Bernard Leach developed a love for all things Japanese and moved there in 1909. This was where his true love for ceramics developed. He studied pottery under Urano Shigekichi. Once he was an established potter he returned to England. His passion continued to go, and his philosophy in life was always wanting to unite East and West. You can see this in his works. His work focused on traditional Korean, Chinese, and Japanese pottery but with a combination of English and German traditional means of technique. His works inspired many and influenced counter-culture and modern designs in North America.
When I think about Bernard Leach, it’s interesting to see how his style of art and discipline changed. He initially started with etchings, until he found his passion for ceramics. His pieces are truly beautiful and unique.
John Mason
When Mid-Century modern artists come to mind, often it goes hand in hand with John Mason. He was a famous American ceramicist who did experimental art with clay. Mason's works studied the plasticity of clay, as well as its physical properties. He studied under Peter Volkust and created the most incredible wall reliefs and sculptures.
When Mason enrolled at the Chouinard Art Institute, he became close friends with Peter Volkust as well as his student.
Mason is known for his monumental size sculptures that were associated with abstract expressionism. One writer said that Mason’s pieces had a raw, spontaneous expressiveness that seemed as if his works had been made by forces of nature.
Does your work express similar elements? Do your sculptures echo hints of being formed by nature? Have you used raw, reclaimed wood in your pieces? Or even a mixture of materials that express mid-century modern?
Eva Zeisel
Sticking with the theme of art being functional, Eva Zeisel, herself said that “she is a maker of useful things.” Born in 1906, Zeisel was known for her ceramics. Most of her art has a natural form that often mimics human relationships. Many of her pieces are displayed in famous museums worldwide.
Eva Zeisel had a very interesting life. Including being falsely accused of being part of a group who wanted to assassinate Joseph Stalin. She was imprisoned in 1936 for 16 months, 12 of which were in solitary confinement. Before this, she had worked several jobs in the Russian ceramics industry. You can only imagine the stress and shock after living a grand life filled with art and artists to being falsely imprisoned.
In 1937 she was deported to Vienna. After this, she married and moved to the US. This was when her career as a ceramicist grew, as well as her reputation.
In 1942 she was commissioned to make a set of modern china by the Museum of Modern Art. She was the first one-woman exhibited MoMA.
Her career flourished from here on. If you would like to read more about her life have a look at Wikipedia. She is a true inspiration for many artists, who led an interesting life.
Contact us at The Home Collection
All these artists had different beginnings. Their art was exhibited in different places, and seen by many. They also influenced many other movements, and set new boundaries when it came to designing. If you are exhibiting at the moment at a gallery, or if you would like to get your art out there to the world, contact us at The Home Collection. We would love to hear your story and what inspires you to create.